
Private Hospitals & Clinics

Important Information for Patients Attending Private Hospitals and Clinics

Due to long waiting times for investigations, specialist appointments and operations within the NHS, some people are deciding to attend private hospitals and clinics, locally and abroad.

If you are thinking about using a private health care provider, either by self-funding or private health insurance, we strongly advise you to consult one of our doctors beforehand to discuss things such as your expectation of treatment and follow up. Your GP will not usually be in a position to recommend a specific specialist and you are advised to do some research when deciding whether a health care provider is safe and suitable.

Please be aware that The Whins Medical Practice is contracted to provide health services in line with our General Medical Services contract, on behalf of NHS Forth Valley, and is not under any obligation to follow any request from private health providers. 

Please follow the link for further information: INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ATTENDING PRIVATE HOSPITALS AND CLINICS.docx